
East PDX Today

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Clackamas County: 295 lawyers with active licenses to practice law as of January

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There were 295 lawyers with active licenses to practice in Clackamas County as of January, according to the Oregon State Bar.

Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.

As of Feb. 26, 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in Oregon was around $101,982 per year.

The Oregon public defense system reported a 69% shortage of public defenders, according to the American Bar Association.

Lawyers in Clackamas County with active legal licenses in January

Lawyer NameBar NumberDate of License Granted
Aaron J Granato22206219/05/2022
Adrian W Smith04514318/10/2004
Adrienne A Chin-Perez13323110/10/2013
Al Suh02102119/04/2002
Alec Joseph Laidlaw05515431/10/2005
Alex N Hadduck19504107/10/2019
Alexander Villanova12487704/10/2012
Alexander A Redmond16465029/09/2016
Alexander S Hayes18353004/10/2018
Alexander S Rusnak17497902/10/2017
Alexandra N Fletcher22400613/10/2022
Alice D Seeger94210911/07/1994
Alise Fern22151426/05/2022
Allison Mutz17214016/06/2017
Amanda Keller10115306/05/2010
Amanda Loupin-Bartlett13416810/10/2013
Amanda J Marshall15302421/09/2015
Andrea L Hungerford95307922/09/1995
Andrew E Teitelman07548428/09/2007
Andrew K Kauffman99293830/09/1999
Andrew M Cole89034614/04/1989
Andrew M Narus13437310/10/2013
Andrew R Elliott09231003/08/2009
Andrew R Naylor07443928/09/2007
Angela C Hajihashemi20123126/05/2020
Angela Lynn Laidlaw08097301/05/2008
Annette McGee Johnson07148809/05/2007
Anthony A Buccino75057119/09/1975
Aubrey R Hoffman16403429/09/2016
Aubry (Lexi) Alexis Menish21639717/12/2021
Autumn Steele Gillispie18412704/10/2018
Ben Larson09414208/10/2009
Benjamin F Klassen20396613/10/2020
Benjamin P Keane14135406/05/2014
Benjamin Taylor Ybarra12503804/10/2012
Beth DeChaine Wicklund98115006/05/1998
Bill Golden07225823/05/2007
Bradly J Lenhart82081722/04/1982
Breckenridge Cartwright15545805/11/2015
Brian Hungerford98257902/10/1998
Brian Schmonsees05372622/09/2005
Brian D Thomas19238417/06/2019
Brian R Powell17439205/10/2017
Bridgett A Chevallier20499715/10/2020
Bruce Tarbox00118126/04/2000
Bruce E Herkamp00483829/11/2000
Bruce W Brewer92558102/10/1992
Bryan J Brock96233520/09/1996
Bryan Joseph Censoni10082706/05/2010
Bryan W Dawson99012303/03/1999
Brycen J Woodley08515525/09/2008
C Richard Noble70102818/09/1970
Caleb J Mayfield11250415/07/2011
Caleb J N Huegel20517316/10/2020
Carleigh Caprice Anable16601708/12/2016
Carol L Riley02090019/04/2002
Charles Yang17154518/05/2017
Charles D Sarkiss III20439513/10/2020
Charles P Shaw II15473505/10/2015
Chelsea Lyn Jones14274102/10/2014
Chris Owen92421018/09/1992
Christine Landers92361618/09/1992
Christopher Edward Burris81478715/10/1981
Christopher L Thompson82133222/04/1982
Chuck Yu91469027/09/1991
Cierra D Brown16183529/04/2016
Codi Tylee Tillson03343526/09/2003
Cody M Weston98429019/10/1998
Columbine K Quillen15140507/05/2015
Daniel J DiCicco07373028/09/2007
Daniel Patrick Woram89141714/04/1989
Danielle Shirtcliff06604603/10/2006
Danielle Fest Grabiel15110407/05/2015
David Jackson05067127/04/2005
David M Mitchell13429410/10/2013
David P Symes96135024/04/1996
David P Smith96430120/09/1996
David R Nepom80467221/11/1980
DeAnna M Horne02329830/09/2002
Debbie Hoesly09116021/05/2009
Diana E Godwin76149524/09/1976
Donald B Bowerman59011018/09/1959
Douglas M Bragg01211304/10/2001
Douglas V Van Dyk86099325/04/1986
Dr. Chandra Basham16092328/04/2016
Dylan Hydes08368725/09/2008
Earl Leone Christison IV13325510/10/2013
Elisabeth Laney Peterson10707823/12/2010
Elizabeth A P Judd17503606/10/2017
Emily M Henderson22417113/10/2022
Eric James Tait95435422/09/1995
Eriks R Berzins13303410/10/2013
Erin Ruth Christison10022120/01/2010
Erin S Catherman08106201/05/2008
Evan Richard Gordon06337127/09/2006
Eve L Miller81315414/09/1981
F Kim Cox78169018/09/1978
Fernanda C Douglas20302408/10/2020
Frederick J Gove94080622/04/1994
Frederick M Millard98295902/10/1998
Gary A Rankin78348318/09/1978
George Michael Provine94131422/04/1994
Glenn E Barger97206015/09/1997
Grace L Hoffa22422813/10/2022
Grant Yoakum92160023/04/1992
Heather L Karabeika94351023/09/1994
Henry Theodore Rau15294204/09/2015
Hilary Browning-Craig07338228/09/2007
Hong N Huynh98413312/10/1998
Ira R Weatherhead78007425/01/1978
J Gregory Salyards06115127/04/2006
J Lee Street98396506/10/1998
J Thomas Pixton93092023/04/1993
Jacob Reece Stallings18189623/05/2018
Jacob T McCormack23012209/02/2023
Jacqueline Dewart23314405/10/2023
Jakob Wiley18475104/10/2018
James E Bernstein75043919/09/1975
James M Hunsaker12252230/07/2012
James T Guinn II93290423/09/1993
Jamie L McNeill08419525/09/2008
Jared Justice08375925/09/2008
Jeffrey Nitschke14398602/10/2014
Jeffrey A Johnson82292624/09/1982
Jeffrey D Munns98304802/10/1998
Jeffrey S Jones81058301/05/1981
Jennifer Lynn Rusnak18155617/05/2018
Jeremy Gibons16385829/09/2016
Jeremy J Morrow09450808/10/2009
Jerry C Seeberger86282719/09/1986
Jesse A Buss12291904/10/2012
Jessie P Silverthorne22636903/11/2022
Joanna Harbour03339526/09/2003
Joe Greenman06067527/04/2006
Joel E Hungerford14094002/05/2014
John C Koch12105610/05/2012
John D Wentworth94462023/09/1994
John K Larson91068626/04/1991
John R Seward19068607/03/2019
John W Kendall III06393427/09/2006
Jon F Strock79411418/09/1979
Jorden James Piraino16151028/04/2016
Joseph Riehl11500306/10/2011
Joseph Alan Lindsay06086527/04/2006
Joseph Q Kaufman87270225/09/1987
Joseph W Lucas11443006/10/2011
Joshua A Goldman21432812/10/2021
Joshua T Cutino16369029/09/2016
Julia M Hier08361625/09/2008
Julia R Woods23260414/09/2023
Karen Brisbin81023613/04/1981
Karen B Dawson03041311/03/2003
Katherine G Williams13373910/10/2013
Katherine Watkinson Wright06545927/09/2006
Kathie F Steele81109101/05/1981
Kathleen A Beaty92029223/04/1992
Kathleen M Baker10011011/01/2010
Katie Hoesly15115107/05/2015
Katie Scates10149306/05/2010
Katie L Smith03454526/09/2003
Keith M Garza94077322/04/1994
Kenneth Kaufmann98267202/10/1998
Kenneth Patterson12418904/10/2012
Kenneth L Walhood94457223/09/1994
Kenneth P Childs83169013/09/1983
Kevin C Leik13001202/01/2013
Kevin J Tillson03477426/09/2003
Kim Thien Le12107110/05/2012
Kimberley Anne Ybarra88092015/04/1988
Kirsten E Dutz21429512/10/2021
Kristen S David00238804/10/2000
Kristin Winnie Eaton98219902/10/1998
Kyndre Lundquist12377404/10/2012
Laura Walhood95194121/09/1995
Laura MacMillan Leineweber15379001/10/2015
Lawrence A Castle85168020/09/1985
Lawrence E Sherris79391418/09/1979
Lawrence P Blunck84178014/09/1984
Lina Grace Rigsby13450910/10/2013
Linda G Haines93316823/09/1993
Lisa K Day87038817/04/1987
Lisa M Janoski15118307/05/2015
Loren Andrew Gramson06188911/05/2006
Loren P Bell93210523/09/1993
Man M Vu11165409/05/2011
Mandi M Philpott02369230/09/2002
Margaret E Woodard21128124/05/2021
Mark A Hiefield77219726/09/1977
Mary Elizabeth Tongel18229421/06/2018
Matt Scott Swaim02468430/09/2002
Matthew B Duckworth02299430/09/2002
Matthew J R Morton22584420/10/2022
Matthew L Joseph12527409/10/2012
Megan Anne Lane10466507/10/2010
Meggie Kirchner21347912/10/2021
Melia M Shears86089025/04/1986
Melissa Lyn Garrison05261622/09/2005
Mia W Getlin15225415/06/2015
Michael Cougar85053119/04/1985
Michael C Wetzel95453722/09/1995
Michael E Verhoogen01524614/12/2001
Michael G Sullivan99442014/10/1999
Michael J Edgel04279428/09/2004
Michael James Buroker87028417/04/1987
Michael P Longo96084223/04/1996
Michael Y Wu05448828/09/2005
Michelle Stuedli97101415/04/1997
Michelle E Lentzner99152730/04/1999
Michelle Muang Chao17319505/10/2017
Michelle S Bartov16497529/09/2016
Mrs. Katlynn M Backus19325703/10/2019
Mx. Kelly E Fitzpatrick21136027/05/2021
Nancy J Hungerford81268514/09/1981
Nathan R Goin11401106/10/2011
Neal M Gschwend14328102/10/2014
Nicole Hutchison Sakys03139723/04/2003
Nicole L Robbins03433026/09/2003
Olivia Wotman17492305/10/2017
Pamela Ly Nicholson01367404/10/2001
Patrick David Blessinger10078706/05/2010
Patrick T Hughes99061421/04/1999
Paula M Walker09539508/10/2009
Peter O Watts02536817/10/2002
R Bradley Griffin07239011/06/2007
R Troy Sandlin89355815/09/1989
Rachael C Gray18348304/10/2018
Rachel C Erickson19589622/11/2019
Rachel D Bridges00212704/10/2000
Rachel E Kosmal McCart09130321/05/2009
Randi M Hall19450103/10/2019
Raymond S Kindley96491025/09/1996
Rebecca Lynne Swinney10520607/10/2010
Rhett L Bernstein02253630/09/2002
Richard A Uffelman66128127/09/1966
Richard G Cohn-Lee95233122/09/1995
Robert A Kerr96327020/09/1996
Robert D Herndon68073120/09/1968
Robert L Sepp02093219/04/2002
Robert R Cleland12298004/10/2012
Robin Hopkins06294227/09/2006
Robin Bellanca Seifried05199622/09/2005
Ronald E Dusek78436404/08/1978
Ronald L Gray79249518/09/1979
Ronald L Laughlin Jr.88252323/09/1988
Roxanne R Scott96425420/09/1996
Ruben Medina Jr.04119323/04/2004
Russell Swanson Amos03505326/09/2003
Ryan Chiotti07106909/05/2007
Ryan J Scarcella23266714/09/2023
Sam S Nelson11570806/10/2011
Sarah Serres98157022/07/1998
Sarah A Morrisson22704329/12/2022
Sarah D Foreman04285928/09/2004
Sarah J Dumont03541909/10/2003
Scott Karnitz14354302/10/2014
Scott C Ciecko04558720/12/2004
Scott P Healy92559902/10/1992
Scott Raymond Miller95142926/04/1995
Sean D Lanz05304522/09/2005
Sean D Magraw21607202/12/2021
Sean R Blixseth09088021/05/2009
Shane Michael Barnes16090828/04/2016
Shannon M Kmetic96330220/09/1996
Shawn A Lillegren03375026/09/2003
Shelly M Kraft02283730/09/2002
Sherri Y Ness08107001/05/2008
Squire M Bozorth96229520/09/1996
Stacey Borgman06044627/04/2006
Stephanie Hayes04397628/09/2004
Stephen J Joncus01307204/10/2001
Stephen L Madkour94109122/04/1994
Steven E Rosenbaum89349315/09/1989
Susan A Denham08101601/05/2008
Taly A Cohen19342303/10/2019
Taylor A Kinch21523112/10/2021
Thomas Hanrahan94332023/09/1994
Thomas Woodworth17038824/02/2017
Thomas H Cutler93245223/09/1993
Tiffany A Escover22180826/05/2022
Timothy J Heinson87248025/09/1987
Todd L Van Rysselberghe88325323/09/1988
Tony L Aiello Jr.20340413/10/2020
Torrey L McConnell17408405/10/2017
Trasa Stalnaker Nelson13135116/05/2013
Trevor L Schorey21231312/07/2021
Tricia L Collier01031220/04/2001
Tyler Glaze17072921/04/2017
Tyler D Smith07528728/09/2007
Walter T Aho73340727/09/1973
Wayne Mackeson82326924/09/1982
Wendell L Belknap85147620/09/1985
Wendy van Leuven12214204/06/2012
William K Stewart02099619/04/2002
Wm Bruce Shepley84346314/09/1984
Zoe Eliza Bayham05197122/09/2005