"I became acquainted with Gerry Frank as a college student as he helped us lower the voting age. Throughout my career I appreciated his advice and many contributions to Oregon."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Earl Blumenauer:
"Helping Sen. Hatfield make his mark, Gerry earned his reputation as Oregon's 3rd Senator. Sad to hear of his passing. An end of an era."Read on Twitter
"I am delighted President Biden rallied our allies to revoke Russias Most-Favored Nation status by ending Permanent Normal Trade Relations. Congress must move swiftly to pass @LloydDoggettTX and my legislation next week to further isolate Russia from the global economy." on March 11Read on Twitter
"I am thrilledthat thelatest congressional funding package contains my request for$2.6 million to develop Multnomah County'sBehavioral Health Resource Centerwhich willhelp people struggling with chronic houselessness, mental health,&addiction issues in our city." on March 9Read on Twitter