Recent News About None-----
New Volunteer Opportunities: Metro Exposition Recreation Commission
The Clackamas County Commissioners are seeking an interested resident to serve as the Clackamas County representative on the Metro Exposition Recreation Commission (MERC).
New Deputy District Attorney Sworn In
New Deputy District Attorney Sworn In
ClackCo explores hotel purchase to create more housing
This month, Clackamas County received a Project Turnkey grant commitment for the purchase of a hotel or motel to establish transitional housing for people experiencing homelessness. This grant comes from the State of Oregon Legislature and is administered by the Oregon Community Foundation.
170 people housed in the first year of county supportive housing services program
Clackamas County has taken great strides in the first year of implementing the supportive housing services (SHS) program, hiring staff and building new infrastructure that will allow us to accomplish the goal of ending chronic homelessness.
New opening on ABC: Timber Sale Advisory Committee
Clackamas County Commissioners are seeking interested residents to serve on county Advisory Boards and Commissions (ABCs). These ABCs offer residents the opportunity to become very involved in specific activities and the goals of Clackamas County.
MT. HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Indoor Pool Opening Delayed
Indoor Pool Opening Delayed
MT. HOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Indoor Pool Opening Delayed
The reopening of MHCC’s indoor pool will be delayed several weeks beyond our anticipated reopening date of Monday, June 13 as we work to make a final repair.
CLACKAMAS COUNTY: New Volunteer Opportunities: North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District and Budget Committee
Clackamas County Commissioners are seeking interested residents to serve on county Advisory Boards and Commissions (ABCs). These ABCs offer residents the opportunity to become very involved in specific activities and the goals of Clackamas County.
STATE OF OREGON: Treasurer Read Celebrates Signing of Elliott State Research Forest Legislation
Today at the State Land Board meeting, Governor Kate Brown, Secretary of State Shemia Fagan, Treasurer Tobias Read, and the Department of State Lands and the Elliott State Research Forest Advisory Committee held a bill signing ceremony for SB 1546, which creates the Elliott State Research Forest in collaboration with Oregon State University and their College of Forestry.