
East PDX Today

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gladstone City Administrator, Jacque Betz Weekly Report - 3/3/23


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Trolley Trail Bridge Phase II- In 2019, Gladstone was awarded $1,228,800 from Metro Regional Flex Funds to complete project development, NEPA environmental engineering plans specifications, and cost estimates to construct a new Trolley Trail Bridge across the Clackamas River.  This is a “mega collaboration” with four layers of government to handle the scope of work, intergovernmental agreement, right of way, environmental elements, and prospectus development.

Unfortunately, the pandemic delayed this project. However, the agreement is in the final stages with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and we expect it to come before the Council in the next couple of months. Once the agreement is approved, the City will refine the feasibility study from the first phase completed in 2020 to select a preferred bridge option from the three alternatives. Paralleling this process, the City will prepare to apply for Metro Regional Flex Funds when the funding process opens in 2024 to construct the bridge.

Clackamas Fire District #1 Joint Oversight Committee Meeting- The Clackamas Fire District Joint Oversight Committee met this week, which included Councilor Alexander, Councilor Garlington, Administrator Betz, Clackamas Fire Chief Browne, Clackamas Fire Asst. Chief Stewart, Fire Board Director Joseph, and Fire Board Director Syring.  The Fire Station 22 remodel still progressing, and once the internal components are complete, the City and CFD will schedule an Open House for the public (mid-May). Other topics included employee updates, the CFD Enhanced Levy Measure (which will not affect Gladstone residents), and the timing of the Gladstone fire levy renewal process. Clackamas Fire District continues to be an incredible asset in the community, and the transition in services has been seamless. We look forward to their participation in the community Easter egg hunt, the 4th of July BBQ at Max Patterson Park, and the Community Festival.

Clackamas Coordinating Committee Meeting (C-4)- This week, C-4 met (Mayor Milch is the Gladstone representative). Topics included reviewing the Regional Transportation Projects (For Gladstone, this includes Portland Avenue Multi-Modal Improvements and Trolley Trail Bridge replacement project); ODOT presented on the I-205 Tolling Environmental Analysis, and there were plenty of questions regarding this topic. The Gladstone City Council submitted a letter to ODOT requesting an extension on the I-205 Environmental Analysis to allow 90 days to comment instead of the original 45 days. (Copy of the letter is attached). ODOT announced last night that they had extended the comment 15 more days to April 21, 2023.

Clackamas River Water Trail Map- We Love Clean Waters have been working on designing a physical map of the 'Clackamas Water Trail' and would greatly appreciate your feedback. Once you have reviewed the attached map (enlarge to 200% to get the actual size of 4 feet wide), please take a few minutes to fill out the Clackamas Water Trail - Map FEEDBACK SURVEY. The survey also provides additional background and directions. 

Gladstone RAISE Grant Submitted For Portland Avenue Improvements-  The City would like to extend a tremendous “thank you” to Morgan Spencer of MSPEN Consulting, LLC for preparing and submitting an application to the Federal Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) Program for Gladstone. The total amount requested is $1.63 million to complete engineering and design for stormwater, sewer, and water upgrades, sidewalk repair, bike lane additions, curb extensions, more stage street lighting, upgrades to existing traffic signals, and improved connection to the regional Trolley Trail. We should have a status on the application by April.

City Services Educational Sessions- The Gladstone City Council held a work session on essential city services this week. Presentations on the Gladstone Library Project, Utilities 101, Oak Lodge Water Services, and the Gladstone Parks Budget can be accessed on the city’s website: https://www.ci.gladstone.or.us/citycouncil/page/city-council-work-session-12

Special City Council Meeting Held This Week- The City called for a special meeting to approve an OLCC Liquor License application for a new business, Gladstone’s, located at 270 Portland Avenue (formerly Happy’s Bar & Grill). Typically liquor licenses are approved under the consent agenda at a regular City Council meeting; however, both the purchaser and seller requested the City expedite the approval process as the OLCC license is the final step in the transfer of ownership. One of the Gladstone City Council’s adopted goals is to support, maintain, and grow all businesses in Gladstone. We want to thank Marc and Leah Brown for their infusion of food and entertainment on Portland Avenue and wish new owner Alan Sanchez the best of luck. 

City of Gladstone Recruitment Opportunities:   The City of Gladstone is currently recruiting for a Police Officer, Public Works Utility Worker II, and Public Works Temporary Seasonal Employees. Please visit Job Openings | Gladstone, Oregon, for more information

 Have a great weekend.

Jacque M. Betz

Gladstone City Administrator

Supporting Documents

Gladstone City Council Agenda Planning Document (381 KB)

Original source can be found here.