
East PDX Today

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Gladstone City Administrator, Jacque Betz Weekly Report - 3/10/23


Gladstone City Council Goals for 2023-25. Attached are the adopted City Council Goals for the next two years. Our focus will be on the following;

Economic Development


Communications and Engagement


The City Council is also committed to the following Team Agreement.

Open Communications- they will be open and transparent in their communications and listen to understand diverse perspectives.

Respect- They will exercise respectful leadership and promote inclusion to make our community feel safe and respected.

One Team- They will act as one body and support one another for the success of the team in serving the Gladstone community

Meeting Civility- They will come prepared to their meetings, stay focused on the issues, make decisions, ask questions, and be clear and fair.


Nature Park Site visit with Oregon State Parks and Recreation This week, Public Works Director Darren Caniparoli and I did a site inspection at the Gladstone Nature Park with the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The City recently applied for funds to complete the paved loop pathway in the adopted Nature Park Site Plan. A site inspection is part of the process to ensure the site is readily accessible to the general public, that it is suitable for the intended development, to look at current improvements on site, and to make an assessment of the overall condition of the park. The final step in the process will be a presentation to the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department in a few weeks

Gladstone Public Works Facility Design Review Application a design review application for the Public Works Facility was submitted by Scott Edwards Architects/P&C Construction. There is a 20-day notice period; once the application is deemed complete, it will go before the Planning Commission. This is tentatively scheduled for April 18, 2023.

Gladstone Senior Center Wants Your Input- The Gladstone Senior Center is considering changing its name to attract diverse, multigenerational, and youth participation. All community members will have an opportunity to submit a name for consideration. There are a couple of ways you can do this. One is through survey monkey   https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/JL8R5MR, and the other is to drop a suggestion at the Senior Center.  The vision for the Center is to provide enriching space for community connections. Encourage and provide space for group activities, meals, recreational classes, sharing information about health and wellness, and other social gatherings within the community

Meeting with Clackamas County Economic Development Department- Mayor Milch, John Southgate Consulting, and I met with the new Clackamas County Economic Development Director, Laura Edmonds. One of the City Council’s Goals is to enhance the City’s partnership with Clackamas County Economic Development Department, and this meeting allowed us to discuss potential partnerships and resources so we can take a balanced approach to sustain all three business districts in Gladstone (McLoughlin Blvd, 82nd Street, and Portland Avenue).  We also discussed potential information sharing between Clackamas Community College, Clackamas County Economic Development, the City, and School District so we can provide opportunities for students to learn skills that will give them self-sustainable wages. The City will also hire a limited-duration (two-year) employee to focus on tourism and economic development in Gladstone.

Climate Friendly & Equitable Communities Rules- This City was granted an extension from the Oregon Department Land Conservation and Development Department to June 30, 2024,  to complete the requirements of OAR 660-012-0012 related to Climate Friendly & Equitable Communities (CFEC). The State adopted the CFEC rules to help meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Senior Planner Heather Austin of  3-J Consulting and I met to discuss the next steps in the process, which will include coming to the City Council at the April 11th regular meeting and asking for policy guidance on a couple of different pathways for parking management rules, and to direct the Planning Commission to begin this work in May 2024

League of Oregon Cities Public Budgeting 101 -Thank you to the members of the Gladstone Budget Committee for attending training this week. The general municipal budget training is intended to familiarize members of city budget committees, including city council members and city staff contributing to budget development. Collectively, Ron Ruggiero, Shane O’Brien, Nina Harrington, Joshua Smith, Mayor Michael Milch, Councilor Veronica Reichle, and Councilor Mindy Garlington joined me and Finance Consultant Cathy Brucker to gain a high-level understanding of the budgeting process and the budget lifecycle, information on Oregon Budget Law, typical sources of revenue and expenses, PERS, and property taxes; and the basic principles of public meetings, public records, and ethics as they apply to local government and budget committee service. Thank you!

I-205 Tolling – The Board of County Commissioners had a robust conversation with representatives from ODOT regarding tolling on I-205. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyEp26U89iw&feature=youtu.be

Gladstone Parks and Recreation Board Meeting The Gladstone Parks and Recreation Board will meet Monday, March 13, 2023, at 6:30 pm. A copy of the agenda can be accessed here. pkbdpacket.03132023_20230309150224.pdf (gladstone.or.us)

Gladstone City Council Meeting, The Gladstone City Council, will meet Tuesday, March 14, 2023. An executive session will occur at 5:30 pm, and the regular meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. A copy o the packet can be accessed here. City Council Meeting | Gladstone, Oregon

City Council Vacancy- The City received one new application for the vacant city councilor position, Cierra Cook. The City will interview Ms. Cook at the end of the March 14th City Council meeting. The Council will deliberate on the three candidates (Maria Mitchell, Trevor Taylor, and Cierra Cook) at the March 28th council meeting at 5:30 pm.

Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 12, 2023. For those of you who have difficulty adjusting, I suggest a quiet weekend.

Jacque M. Betz

Gladstone City Administrator

Supporting Documents

Gladstone City Council Goals for 2023-2025 (6 MB)

Original source can be found here.